Automate expenses with ExpenseIn and Telleroo

Online expenses management is now made easy with ExpenseIn and Telleroo. Ensure quick and accurate reimbursement using the leading online expense software and bulk payment automation solution.

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Expense in online expenses software integrate Telleroo ExpenseIn

What ExpenseIn users can do with Telleroo

Employee submits their expense in for purchases, mileage and time.
Finance team approves and posts the payment run to Telleroo.
Reimbursements are sent to the 'Awaiting Approval' stage in Telleroo, ready to be approved and paid.
Expense In

Why use Telleroo with ExpenseIn?

Quick reimbursements

When an expense is approved in ExpenseIn, it seamlessly moves to the 'Awaiting approval' stage in Telleroo. Users designated as Approvers in Telleroo will receive an email invitation to either approve and initiate the payment, or approve and allocate funds to the Telleroo account.

Eliminate errors

Manual data entry is both time-consuming and prone to mistakes. By integrating Telleroo and ExpenseIn, data transfer is automated, saving you time, reducing the chance of errors, and ensuring accurate expense payouts.

In-depth financial visibility

Get a comprehensive view of your company's spending patterns. Gain clear insights into where your funds are being allocated, empowering you to make informed financial decisions.

Automatic Xero sync

Telleroo and ExpenseIn both integrate beautifully with Xero, providing you with real-time data that is always up to date.

Trusted by over 1000 businesses and accountants

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